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SEBARKAN!!! Feminis Mesir hina Negara Islam secara Bogel darah haid dan tahi atas Bendera

Aliaa Magda Elmahdy dan kolaborator yg tidak dinamakan telah membuat satu kenyataan yg amat berani menentang Negara Islam (Isil).

Elmadhy memuat naik gambar ke Facebook yg menunjukkan dirinya dan wanita lain yg tidak dikenali sedang membuang air besar dan haid pada bendera Negara Islam dalam keadaan bogel, sebagai bantahan terhadap tindakan Negara Islam baru-baru ini di utara Iraq dan Syria.

(gambar di bawah)

Aliaa Magda Elmahdy did not specify why she posted the photo, though past controversies, such as a 2011 incident in which she posed in only stockings and red shoes for her blog — to protest against Egypt’s conservative culture — suggest that she was opposing the Islamic State terror group’s brutally restrictive and misogynistic ideology.

In the image, the 23-year-old feminist is seen facing the camera, while the other woman, dressed in a black hijab, has her back towards the viewer. Two presumably plastic machine guns are in the background, and the veiled woman is holding up her middle finger. The letters IS are inscribed on Elmahdy’s stomach and on the second woman’s bottom.

Facebook Aliaa Magda Elmahdy
Blog tempat Elmahdy bergambar bogel pada tahun 2011

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