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jom baca apa kata chef Wan mengenai babi..

ye la..kadang2 kita lupa yg malaysia ni bukan cuma 

ada orang islam.ada juga orang agama lain selain dari islam..

Bila kita pandang hina pada makanan orang agama lain 

secara terang-terangan mungkin ada hati mereka yg rasa terluka..

Memang la babi tu haram untuk kita makan..

tapi jangan la kita menghina dan pandang macam mereka yg makan babi ni

sangat jijik.

itu kan makanan mereka..

kita pun ada makanan kita yg diorang tak makan tapi tak de pun diorang nak 

hina teruk sangat kan..

kalau diorang buat macam tu mau melatah la semua orang melayu islam ni..

I remembered talking about respect and tolerance for others some months back there are someone making a negative remark kononnya gambar2 Pork ni tak usah la post konon mereka geli. Apa budu dan cencalok itu bukan ke bangkai makananan laut yg busuk mau pun ikan masin serta Perkasam dan belacan itu tak busuk ke? Dont u think other races also find that a complete turn off tetapi boleh pula kita mencekek dan sedap. Susah jika manusia yg hidup mereka macam katak bawah tempurung ini. Ini makanan orang yg perlu kita respect dah tak perlu nak rasa jijik dan aib kan mereka.Shame on this moron that today is destroying the image of this country and causing alot of tension among other races with their itu haram dan ini haram! Dah tahu haram diam sudah la.Bangsa asing tak suruh pun kita mencekek bodoh! Why cant we exercise tolerance towards others instead of always finding fault at them bangsa Asing? This country is not just for the Muslim alone likewise the whole World. If other races and nation of the World can respect Islam and even the Pope can take his shoe off to enter our mosque in Juruselem nak saja saya kata di sini who the Hell are we to try and preached others and find fault as them sedang we our own race pun tak sempurna mana la! I am getting so sick of reading all this irresponsible human being from the public to Politician that put their brain on their knee cap! Opened up yr eyes and watch the news where is Peace in this world today? Letaknya di hati dan tangan kita! -Chefwan-

#Ada betulnya...buat apa nak marah,hina,maki babi..kan??dia pun Allah yg jadikan..,,.


Tag : HARAM, sudah

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go go go chef wan....saya sokong dgn anda....

Salute u chef wan...kalau la smua brfikiran mcm chef wan kan bagus...

I Andy sim. Salute you chef wan!

betul betul betul XD

True Malaysian! This is tolerance without insulting others.....

Sy gembira ada org mcm awak

Sy gembira ada org mcm awak .. open minded

Chef Wan terbaik!!!
I'm a Chinese, it's very rasional to read this wonderful things

All is about respect..

Rigth on the spot Chef. I salute for openly slamming those idiots

Salute you Chef Wan...high time for something to be said...

Chef Wan terbaik!

One correction, the knee is not on their knee cap. The brain is between the thighs and suffocating their anus.

What chef wan said was absolutely right. The god created every single thing in this world. We human beings are the one who should decide our needs. What ever u don consume and others do dont condemn. In a multi racial country like Malaysia, some of us dont consume pork and beef but unfortunately without your relization if u happen to swallow a sweet which contained beef gelatin can we do a blood transfution or kill ourself. No right. Its just dat be extra caution about wat we consume and just go ahead and not blow the whole story, make it a big issue and jeopardise the harmony of the country.

It's very true

10000000 respect for you CHEF..

Yelah... they are much other bigger issues to think of... pergilah buat benda yang berfaedah....

Salute n well said. Rather sad that this is happeningbin a country whom citizens claim to be democratic..liberal n tolerant...pity

if they hv a big heart and are as open minded as chef wan, msia wud move forward in a greater pace instead of wasting their time picking on unimportant things and bully their own citizen. pls use their free time to develop the country as it has been stagnant for at least a decade. a good leadership not suppose to make their ppl suffer

Nicely said.

In overseas the pork are selling everywhere in the market just like other meat such as beef chicken Turkey lamb and etc..
If they condemn those who eats pork, they are insulting ppl from all over the world too.
Yes this we call them kayak dalam tempurung, best suit them haha!.. nvr seen the world.
everyday think of how to harm others, speak the evil and do the evil unto others, how good is the heart?? claimed they are religious, Islam does not teach them to be bad, it's the ppl themselves who breached the teachings.
All religions teach us to be good, respect and love one another

And that happens all the time cuz so many products contain (beef) gelatin ... I hv never seen Hindus, Buddhists And Sikhs make a fuss about it. In todays world if such things matter, you just learn and avoid those products/brands next time.

Chef Wan=CHIEF Wan. U deserve our respect.
We shall respect each other just like how we would want others to respect us.

Billions salute chef wan

Well said!

dkat sarawak bebas jer jual.... tak nak tengok tak payah pg.. tengok pub tak pulak geli... melayu malaya mmg mcm tue...

kat sarawak bebas jer jual.. tapi ekot kawasan tumpuan org bkn islam ler... kalau tak suka takyah tengok.. dkat pub tak pulak geli... melayu malaya mmg mcm nie...

In the eyes of the world, Malaysian had become too absorbed in their own self. When you are walking, it is better to look up and see your surrounding than wondering the rock, shoes and all other none-sense complicating your journey. Try it, you will go further, Malaysian.

Good One chef!

Well saif Chef...salute

can we said the same thing as they are? go to places where can suit your mind set if you think M,sia make you sick. Don't buat kecho di sini!

Salute, ╮(╯_╰)╭

Salute, ╮(╯_╰)╭

Thats y la chef dh pi haji pun still dedah aurat,pakai short pants...

The BEST comments i've heard so far in any soc nwork!! Two thumbs up & salute for u Chef Wan..

We r together wif u chef wan...right now i've started to worry...caya atau x.. Pasni mesti ada akn timbul ntah dr lobang mn n start pickin chef wan or ppl frm his industry mula pulaukan cef wan....

Well said..

chef wan untuk menteri dunia la.

Well said chef wan respect.....

Totally agree with you, Chef Wan. You've really won my respect. RESPECT!

Nicely said chef wan.... im a Buddhist and we dont eat beef.... but takde pon kita bising bising... just avoid it sudah lah... biar pun kita pergi ke kenduri org melayu.. duduk satu meja dgn perbagai style masakan rendang... what we do is we just say we dont take beef... thats it.. makan jea yang lain... smile and go on... =)

Where are the Muslims saluting Chef Wan's comments ? :)

Ini lagi satu, pakai tudung. Tapi tak bole take it when this issue is just saying to the people who can't seems to tolerate or understand others culture.


Yela kau chef wan, psl mkanan ok la. Tp yg olok2 jmpa pintu mh370 tu mang x ble pkai. Heh

nice one..mature thinking without bias.. this is how works... agama bukan islam sahaja yg makan makanan tak halal...hang tak akan rasa jijik kalau bukan hang yang satap makanan bukan halal...

Babi pun dilarang untuk orang kafir memakan. Bukan diharamkan untuk orang islam sahaja tetapi seluruh manusia diperintah oleh Allah. Jgn kita orang Islam mengatakan orang kafir memakan daging khinzir itu dibolehkan.Berdosa hukumnye.

I respect you Chef Wan!

tapi chef, babi siap makan org lagi...cmana tu...

but, piggy eats man too... how laa... not to say its disgusting.. but its one weird animal... its existence on earth could have been as a natural trash can.. no need for all the land fills... my 2 cents.. tidak bermaksud untuk menyentuh sentimen mana2 pihak... but it was published in Italy last year that the MAfiosi feed their nemesis to pigs alive..feeding corpse is one thing.. this is a live human... for goodness sake.. If Jews cant eat pork, Christians aren't supposed too.. Hindu's dont eat pork too.. Neither do Buddhist's... This more of an awareness for the general Malaysians rather than an action that upsets a certain group of people

Thumbs up chef wan!

Thumb up to Chef Wan...
Respect other if you want other to respect you.
There is a reason for god to create all living thing.

Respect & salute you Chef Wan.

True muslim does not and will not keep mentioning the word 'babi' in their daily life. Only false muslim will do so. When they purposely utter the word 'babi ' to insult others, it is as sinful as eating pork themselves.

Urmmm tak payah ambik contoh overseas...di Sarawak babi dijual secara terbuka ditepi jalan..dipasar minggu n di pasar malam. I love Sarawak.

Chef wan I 100 Percent support you we are 1 Malaysia and we all in 1 family we have to abolish the racist

Siall ah, ade orang gituk pulak ehk. Go cheff Wan Go!!!

If I have to be disgusted by those who eat pork, siall ah, i can't go kopitiam with my chinese, angmor even indian friends for chit chat seh. People who were so disgusted should just stay home. If we muslim have to be disgusted such things, please find the verses where god stated we ARE suppose to condemn, and hate things that he say we're suppose to avoid or not do...... it doesn't exist. It's human and group of followers who create that phobia.

Well said! I don't take beef personally... but I don't avoid mcd I don't avoid having my favourite burger from our malay fellows out there.

Nice one... yup malaysia memmang banyak org kolot. Diam2 sudah lah ..

well said chef! those people are so ignorant. in islam, yes we can't eat anything based on pork, but, in quran does'nt say to hate nor to 'keji' the pig, infact we still can eat them if tgh darurat by that time. because of these ignorants lah buat islam t'cemar. always nak menunding jari je.

Kebaya Biru girl

Chef Wan is the BEST!!!!

Chef Wan, we need more people that think like you.. :)

Chef Wan, we need more people that think like you.. :)

Very well said. Salute you Chef Wan

Very well said. Salute you Chef Wan

Very well said. Salute you Chef Wan

Betul kata Chef Wan tu. Setuju sgt2. Buat apa lah kita nk menghina makanan org lain kalo kita sendiri rak mkn menda tu. Kita mesti respect satu sama lain hormat menghormati dlm negara ini. Kita mempunyai berbilang bangsa, suku kaum dan agama di Malaya, Sarawak dan Sabah. Kalo kita mahu org lain respect kita..kita sendiri kena respect org lain juga. Tak payah lah nk bising2 psl menda itu haram..menda itu halal. Kalo tak nak mkn menda yg kita tahu dh haram..kita mkn je lah menda yg di sahkan halal. Tu je. Tak yah nk menghina makanan org lain yg pelek2. Kita sendiri pun mmg ada makanan yg pelek2 (di pandang org lain).
Respect each other & harmony & peace will come to our beloved country.

Thank you chef wan...Actually there are many other respectful muslim around us....only sometimes we have insecure n inferior person that found Allah's creation to be jijik n terhina...

ini lah pemikiran yg betul, salute u chef wan.... kekadang kita hina itu haram ini haram, ni suma hasutan setan utk suruh kita buat suma ni... nobody is perfect, so tdk pyh kita nak ckp itu ckp ini, PEACE...

Erm...sume nk berckp...fakta tetap fakta

Sume nk berckp..ERM..fakta tetap fakta

Wish there r more human like u now...Sad to see some don't behave like one....Do unto others, as others unto u... Share n respect for harmonious living.

well done Bro Chef Wan.....i salute u...

we need more people like chef wan in malaysia...May God bless you Chef Wan..

Bodo la dio ni, apa kaitan tudung...... Mu tahu ko Chef Wan ni jenis gilo glamor

Really really well said! I would like to share this on public (my friends).

You are totally correct Chef Wan.... Agreed with no objection....

Agreed with no objection.... Steady Chef Wan....

Baik chef wan...kita sokong ni semua orang haramjadah bikin bising sana sini....

Just as Chef Wan said, If you have an opinion on whether or not you like it; keep it to yourself.
I applaud Chef Wan for speaking up to these imbeciles to which they should really remove their brain from their kneecaps. You know? Otak letak kat lutut?
Don't be ridiculous, there are soooo may different tribes and religions which doesn't follow our amendments.
How the hell do you know if Christians should eat it too or not, Did you make up the damn bible? Oh, I'm sorry my apologies mighty lord oh sir/mam'.
If the Italians are feeding corpses or whatever to pigs do you think I care? Does it have to do with me? It's their DAMNED business.
Yes it's wrong, but so when African kids which are dying due to diseases are fed to wild lions, tu maknanya we can't touch them la?
Get your brain out of your ass. You tak dapat dosa pun diorang buat macam tu, khinzir tu TAK TAHU apa yang dia makan or is being fed.
The only awareness for Malaysians to understand is to shut up, like you. If other cultures can respect ours from all over world, why can't we respect theirs and why can't you? Do you know how ignorant you sound? I know you're trying to sound profound and sophisticated but you sound darn stupid.
As a muslim myself, I'm enraged to those my brothers and sisters who have shammed other cultures and races and its 'ok' but when other people talk about us or whatsoever then oh "We have the right to get angry". Is it like that? Learn to fix ourselves before judging and putting shame onto other reasonings of beings and races and places that He, Himself has created. You ingat tak dapat dosa speaking that way? 'He never taught us to be so selfish.
So, do yourself a favor and shut the fuck up.

Mana dalil kamu? Bahaya utk diri sendiri kalau keluarkan fatwa sebegini tanpa bukti. Pertama, sila sebut ayat atau hadith dimana seluruh manusia diharamkan memakan daging babi. Kedua, fatwa kamu bahawa berdosa sekiranya mengatakan orang kafir memakan daging khinzir itu dibolehkan - sila tunjuk bukti dan rujukkan.

yea.... let them hear the truth and the truth will set them free

Saya sokong kerana babi dicipta untuk membersih kotoran najis di dunia bukan untuk di hidangkan makanan ini kpd manusia dan tuhan telah cipta ternakan lain yg bersih dimakan. Chef wan harus sedar apa yg tulis tu...

You earn my respect, Chef. You're truly a Malaysian that thinking of others view. Thank you

I know pig is dirty but this is my first time hear that piggy eats man? Gosh~ something I didn't know, maybe you could provide your link or prove your statement is right, or else just diam jer lah, later become like last time Cadburry case, main tuduh but sah itu masih halal & buatkan sendiri macam bodoh~

chef wan ni dah terlebih cerdik...sejak bila pulak ikan dikira bangkai...bangkai tu binatang mati yg tak disembelih..haram dimakan haram disentuh!!! dikira najis

Do you know what fish eat? Everything from pond scum and poop to other fishes and rotting corpses. I've seen a chicken eat a mouse and some even eat dead rats. I've never heard of a Hindu not eating pork... as far as I know it's beef they don't eat.

Plus, mad cow disease is because humans fed cows the diseased remains of other cows. We don't blame the cows for being fed other cows.. we blame he humans for feeding them! So why blame the pigs for the actions of the humans in this case?

I believe the narrow minded are just a small group and they exist everywhere no matter what race, religion, or skin color. This post is from a rational fellow Malaysian. Proud of you! u r pickin pn chef wan.i thought we r talkin bout the pig..sick!

Bodoh sial ko ni lol

Pegi haji pakai kopiah tutup aurat tapi hati hitam legam penuh denki dan khianat nak menysahkan orang lagi keji dari pakai seluar pendek tapi tak anayia org lain sebab aurat t hal dia dgn Tuhan dari

Melayu Melayu jangan sebut la bangsat!!!

Melayu Melayu jangan disebut la bangsat!!!!

Tuhan kau and Tuhan Muslim amatlah berbeza.. Ajaran kau dan ajaran Muslim juga tiada persamaan.. So.. DIAM!! Jangan buat comparison agama!!

Honestly i think what Shelly is saying is she actually *agrees* with Chef Wan (she said "Yelah" for starters, come on); that there are much bigger issues to think of (rather than making a huge brouhaha and noise about posting pork/pictures as Chef Wan rightfully said), and we all might as well do more useful/meaningful things instead.

Being too quick to judge goes both ways - we should all try to calm down and not jump too quickly to conclusions and call people stupid without fully understanding what they are trying to say.

Chef Wan, I salute you!!
#respect #God bless

Chef Wan, I salute you!!
#respect #God bless

Did you know, in the old testament, it is said that to never eat pork/swine/pig etc. that is for the christian. Did u know that we muslim are more christian than the christian themselves. we follow the teaching of Jesus. We don't eat pig, we don't drink alcohols. we follow what is written in the old testament by words and doings.

Well done. Thank you. Just so sick with their comments.

Kami yakin tidak semula Islam Melayu tu ego dengan ketuanan"Melayu". Ada yang betul2 "baik". Kami minta yang "baik" ini, bangkitlah dan bukalah mata orang2 kamu ni. Mintak2 jangan la perangai fanatik buta bawah 2 biji tempurung seperti yang dikatakan Chef Wan ni masuk tanah borneo Sabah Sarawak. Amin.

Totally agree dgn chef wan..there are so many issues must have to be focus rather than ths chocolate issue..dah tahu haram from this animal even transform mcmne pon is still haram for those yg beragama a muslim..pls be a smart muslim..islam teach us how to respect other religions..sbb we are multiracial ppl yg Tuhan jadikan to live together in this world..ada sebab..sebabnya untuk saling respect and in a peace,so there's no more war!

Dah tak kenal halal haram.

Many Malaysian Muslims lives in US and European countries, even in China, Hong Kong...tolerating with the countries food cultures...why they cannot do it in Malaysia? non Muslim have been so patiently listening to all those critics..if you don't like..don't go near it.

I'm surrounded by idiot. Oh no

Christian can eat ANYTHING because our God has sacrifices himself for our sins and smua benda bkn haram. Kau mkn kau ksih kluar jga kan tuh makanan? Bkn mcm kmu, sensitive abis

Pigi clubbing, pub, beli lottery, drinking alcohol smua halal? hahahaha

You la diam ..nak berlagak samseng..tahu tak apa tu respect?? Siapa yang nak buat comparison sini??

I am a me, i dont mind...if i eat in the restaurant and beside me there are non muslim eating pork.

Its just nothing....its only a a type of daging haiwan...its not the shit, its clean.

Why we so..busy body abt...babi..

I am a me, i dont mind...if i eat in the restaurant and beside me there are non muslim eating pork.

Its just nothing....its only a a type of daging haiwan...its not the shit, its clean.

Why we so..busy body abt...babi..

well, most of the time,
an non-muslim cannot eat pork same table muslim will be condemned no respect;
but muslim can eat beef same table with hindus and nothing will be condemned...
I am doing non-halal food analysis in university research lab and the staffs there cause us enough fuss...


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